Waiting for Calculate12





7 days late

This month, the project will turn 5 years old. We do our best.

P.S. Fixed Roadmap.

Due in 1 day

你丫真有精神头阿,在这数,可惜我不习惯Gnome 3,已经脱离CLD了,自己从CLS构建了一套Gnome2的桌面。

I have been constantly upgrading my kde version of calculate for a long time now through using eix,porthole & Portato & am upgrading again at this moment, & I now might download this live version & maybe install it just to see if there are any differences I can spot.

1 day late

Channing Wong wrote:

你丫真有精神头阿,在这数,可惜我不习惯Gnome 3,已经脱离CLD了,自己从CLS构建了一套Gnome2的桌面。


2 days late

3 days late

4 days late

Calculate Linux is the so far best distro i used : )

New installer Calculate3 changed all our plans. Soon. We try very hard.

Don’t worry Alex.

No problem and no stress : do what you gotta do !

Patience is the mother of safety and therefore quality :wink:

XKomodor | Julien


waiting c12

Can release c12 tomorrow? not beta