[Solved] useraccount settings wont allow chromium to run

on xfce
I use my separate home partition and my useraccount {already used by archlinux and sabayon} it makes chromium to say bus error. When I made new user it is working.
Do you have suggestions to set or reset useraccount settings to make it work ?

Better to create a profile from scratch, then copy the settings required applications.

Can I just move all settings away and then only copy what is needed ?

Sabayon profile includes many settings. Package sabayon-skel-5.5 moves into /etc/skel settings for XFCE, KDE, Gnome, Enlightenment, many applications are not installed on your system. From skel, these settings get into the user directory. Really you need the settings only 3-4 programs. Profile Calculate contains nothing superfluous. Create it when you first log, then copy your settings from Sabayon.

ok now I know