Solved: Strange Thunar Behavior

At least I think so…
I use Xfce4 with Thunar in Debian, Sabayon, & Slackware.
Within all those installs I can open another Partition’s /Home/User and copy files or directories to my /Home/User directory.
However when I run Calculate and Thunar I am prevented from entering a Home dir on another Distro’s installation Home Dir (permission Denied). This is not the situation when running Debian, Sabayon, & Slackware.

As a workaround what I do is Open a Thunar filemanager as me (sqlpython) and one as Root.
Next in the User Thunar session I Click and Mount the partition I wish to work in.
This mounted partition now appears active in the open Root session of THunar.
I can now access the needed Directory’s Home and copy and past to my Users session of Thunar.
If I try to do the Copy/Past entirely from within the Root session of Thunar then of course All files copied change to a Root owned file… If I copy to the User Session of Thunar then the files maintain their original owners.
Weird! Strange.

I realize this may have been a Security situation so I added my user to Guest and adm Groups but no help.

Here are my Groups as they now stand. Any tips as to how my User can enter the Other Partitions User and not be in Root file Manager.

id sqlpython uid=1001(sqlpython) gid=1001(sqlpython) groups=1001(sqlpython),4(adm),6(disk),7(lp),10(wheel),11(floppy),14(uucp),18(audio),19(cdrom),

On another Distro’s Home Dir your user have the same uid or not? if not - this is normal situation with file rights.

^ You are correct and I did not consider the UID when I posted but I believe all are 1001. I will take a look… Thank You

Ok… The other Distros are using a uid=1000 for sqlpython
whereas Gentoo uses uid=1001
So therein lies the rub… a numbering compatibility issue.
Debian, Slackware use 1001 for sqlpython and /home/sqlpython is fully accessible
Arch does not have a separate group named sqlpython but /home/sqlpython is accessible from all other distros except CLDX…

The first user created by default with id=1000, as in other distro. If you do not specify a user, the user is created with the name of “guest”. Therefore, the next you have created a user id=1001.

^ Alexander
Thank You for lighting up an ancient memory learned and forgotten.
I have been using Linux almost 2 decades now and had forgotten the automation of the ID numbering. I never create a User called guest and if one is offered I overwrite it with sqlpython…
Well, I can’t say never anymore… heh heh

As when the Calculate install create guest I let it go through… very unlike my usual procedure…
So, I did this to myself… :^)
Minor issue, I will remember in the future.

Thanks Again.

During boot livecd created and configured profile for guest, you are working under this new profile. During installation, all users migrated. If you create them on the livecd, they will be transferred. If you are upgrading from an image to another partition on the hard, users will also be transferred.

You can specify the installer, which users need to create the installation. All this is done for the convenience of the user.

^ Somewhat unique.
I was not aware of that LiveCD feature.
Some Distros, made to be LiveCDs primarily, will sometimes do something along those lines. However the installable Desktops don’t seem to offer that convenience. At least not those I am familiar with.
… Just another Calculate Plus Feature. I like it.