[SOLVED] Can not type @ and #.

Hello everyone, I installed kde Calculate 12.02 on two computers (desktop and laptop).
I upgraded everything to 3.12 but with the desktop keyboard does not type more @ and #.
You have any recommendations?

What keyboard layout you are using?

Italian it

Risolto ieri … Tastiera /Impostazioni disposizione /Opzioni /Tasto per scegliere il terzo livello / Alt destro … e mi funziona con Alt GR (su desktop)

Thank you Giuseppe, I had come to that panel to adjust the caps lock but I would never be able to find your solution. Hello;-)

Grazie mille Giuseppe, ero arrivato a quel pannello per aggiustare il blocco maiuscolo ma non sarei mai riuscito a trovare la tua soluzine. :wink: Ciao