My Calculate KDE test-drive and a few issues that I encountered

@Alexlton Thanks for the suggestion, my friend. Really appreciated :+1:

I don’t have a Windows install so can’t try that command, but I have a few Linux distributions installed, and I’m able to mount the NTFS partitions from those distributions without any issues. Also, I’ve tried the following command,

sudo ntfsfix /dev/sdX

On my partitions and it hasn’t shown any errors.

More importantly, I’ve run the following command on ntfs3g package,

emerge --pretend --verbose sys-fs/ntfs3g

And, the following USE flags are set there,

USE="acl ntfsprogs xattr -debug -fuse -mount-ntfs -ntfsdecrypt -static-libs -suid"

Don’t you think fuse mount ntfs suid needs to be enabled to mount the partitions successfully?

And, as I mentioned previously, the following forum post has described the exact same issue,

I hope this will be of some help in understanding the issue I’m facing.