Missing Localization


Calculate installs perfectly on my computer as long as I chose the default english locale.

Unfortunately the swiss locale for my keyboard is not available. Right after install I could fix this by defining the additional locale in /etc/locale.gen file, adding the line:
de_CH.utf8 UTF-8 # German language, Switzerland, UTF-8 encoding

I could then run the locale-gen command, which would generate the locales specified in the /etc/locale.gen file and write them to the locale-archive (/usr/lib/locale/locale-archive)

By by running the command locale -a I would get a list of the available locales.

And by localedef --list-archive I would get the content of the /usr/lib/locale/locale-archive file.

Then the eselect command allowed me to set the desired locale.

Unfortunately, after an update of the system the whole mechanism changes.

I tried to modify the files

but this would not work, the locale
de_CH.UTF-8 UTF-8
is not recognized.

How to preceed? Could you possibly include the swiss locale in Calculate?

Thanks, any help is very much appreciated

Sorry for long reply.
Can you try to do cat /etc/locale.gen > /etc/locale.gen.clt && echo 'de_CH.UTF-8 UTF-8' >> /etc/locale.gen' and then run cl-setup-locale? It seems like problem not in templates, so lets try to use calculate utils

Hi akrasnyh
Thanks for the help, it works!
I started all over, without my first mentioned command line modifications. I could then open the keyboard utility, “include the less-common layouts in the selection list” and chose my keyboard. Now everything works perfectly.
Thanks a lot