

after installation i changed LINGUAS to my mother language and all apps were recompiled. that is ok. after that i followed gentoo localization guide for terminal locale. after adding my locale to locale.gen file i run locale-gen and everything seems ok. localization is generated. i commented all languages except english and i added mine croatian. but when calculate checks for upgrades every time it wants to change that locale.gen file. it wants to remove my croatian and add english which is already there. i simply click on next button and jump over that. my question is what i am doing wrong so calculate wants to change that file every time? and how to fix that?


I’m sorry to be late with the reply. In the Calculate Linux 15.12 will be added support for multiple European languages. Support for Croatian, we’ll add tomorrow.

thanks for info. what i did is i create new file as comment says in locale.gen file locale.gen.clt then i put en and hr locale and after that i didn’t get anymore that msg from calculate upgrade…for now :smiley:

Full support of the Croatian language will be starting with the Stage 20151227.

Is it in your plans to add Greek language also?