Kind Suggestions :)

Hello Calculate Linux team!

I hope you are fine <3.

I have no bug :slight_smile: I just would like to propose 2 improvements which could be of interest in my personal point of view.

When I installed a CLDM (Mate Power! :slight_smile:) if I do not modify it during the installation process, I will be part of โ€œinputโ€ group (I can easily modify it during installation of after, I agree). As a result no gamepad will work (with steam for instance) out of the box.

Second remark, after a fresh install, the user will not be able to use sudo because in the file /etc/sudoers the wheel line is commented. I understand this security as a enterprise :).
However the command visudo (to be used as root) is not working also because vi (nor vim) is not defined as basic TEXT EDITOR. One again I can easily correct it afterward.

So to sum up do you believe it could implemented in next ISO (for all desktops):

  • default user being automatically to input group
  • vi define as default TEXT EDITOR to enable visudo to work out of box?

It is just few proposals, nothing negative.

Thanks a lot for your amazing job.

I enjoy CL since severals years even if I am not linux expert (just a gamer :sweat_smile:).

Peace! <3

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