IMPORTANT: config file '/etc/logrotate.d/elog-save-summary' needs updating.

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<code># eix-sync</code>

В конце система пишет:

<code> * An update to portage is available. It is _highly_ recommended
 * that you update portage now, before any other packages are updated.

 * To update portage, run 'emerge portage' now.</code>

Ладно, раз настоятельно советуют, запускаю:

<code># emerge portage</code>

В конце опять всё не слава богу:

<code> * IMPORTANT: config file '/etc/logrotate.d/elog-save-summary' needs updating.
 * See the CONFIGURATION FILES section of the emerge
 * man page to learn how to update config files.</code>

Читаю дальше и уже ничего не понимаю:

       Portage has a special feature called "config file protection". The pur‐
       pose of this feature is to prevent new package installs from clobbering
       existing configuration files. By default,  config  file  protection  is
       turned on for /etc and the KDE configuration dirs; more may be added in
       the future.

       When Portage installs a file into a protected directory tree like /etc,
       any  existing files will not be overwritten. If a file of the same name
       already exists, Portage will change the  name  of  the  to-be-installed
       file  from 'foo' to ´._cfg0000_foo´. If ´._cfg0000_foo´ already exists,
       this name becomes ´._cfg0001_foo´, etc. In this way, existing files are
       not  overwritten,  allowing the administrator to manually merge the new
       config files and avoid any unexpected changes.

       In addition to protecting overwritten files, Portage  will  not  delete
       any  files from a protected directory when a package is unmerged. While
       this may be a little bit untidy, it does prevent  potentially  valuable
       config files from being deleted, which is of paramount importance.

       Protected  directories  are set using the CONFIG_PROTECT variable, nor‐
       mally defined in make.globals. Directory exceptions to the  CONFIG_PRO‐
       TECTed directories can be specified using the CONFIG_PROTECT_MASK vari‐
       able. To find files that need to be updated in  /etc,  type  find  /etc
       -iname ´._cfg????_*´.

       You   can  disable  this  feature  by  setting  CONFIG_PROTECT="-*"  in
       /etc/make.conf.  Then, Portage will mercilessly auto-update your config
       files.  Alternatively, you can leave Config File Protection on but tell
       Portage that it can overwrite files in certain specific /etc  subdirec‐
       tories. For example, if you wanted Portage to automatically update your
       rc scripts and your wget  configuration,  but  didn't  want  any  other
       changes  made  without  your  explicit  approval,  you'd  add  this  to

       CONFIG_PROTECT_MASK="/etc/wget /etc/rc.d"

       Tools such as dispatch-conf, cfg-update, and etc-update are also avail‐
       able  to  aid  in  the merging of these files. They provide interactive
       merging and can auto-merge trivial changes.</code>

Объясните пожалуйста, чего от меня хочет этот emerge?

При установке некоторых пакетов нужно обновить файлы конфигурационных настроек этих программ. Варианта три - принять, отклонить, либо из двух сделать один. Утилит навскидку подскажу аж две - etc-update или dispatch-conf. В dispatch-conf команды такие: пробел - листаем, анализируем, что добавилось (с плюсом), что удаляется (с минусом), u - принять, z - оставить старые настройки, n - перейти к следующему пока не принимая и не отклоняя настройки. Более подробно тут или man etc-update или man dispatch-conf.

Спасибо, как будто прояснилось слегка.
В Системных утилитах также много интересного.