How to set up sudo in Calculate Linux => Solution

Hi all,

If you like use sudo to launch some commands, i am going to show you how to enable sudo in Calculate Linux.
By default, sudo installed but doesn’t work.

adrien@oxygen ~ $ sudo ls
adrien is not in the sudoers file.  This incident will be reported.

So, to enable it, connect you in root user, with your root password. :

su -

Execute the following command :


Uncomment this line (~ line 82)

 # %wheel ALL=(ALL) ALL

Save the file (If vi used : Esc and :wq!, If nano used Ctrl+O, Enter and Ctrl+X)

Before try, verify that your user is in the “wheel” group :

grep wheel /etc/group

For me, it’s Okay :


If your user isn’t the wheel group, add it :

usermod -G wheel -a youruser

Logout your user and log in again to enable new rights.



Thank you. It was very helpful.

To configure the sudo command in calculator, you can edit the sudoers file by using the visudo command. To enable the user to run the commands, in the sudoers file, under the user privilege specification, specify the username and commands. The user can run only the commands specified in the user privilege section for the user.

Another way is to edit etc/sudoers and uncomment this line:

#Uncomment to allow members of group wheel to execute any command
#%wheel ALL=(ALL:ALL) ALL