How do you emerge from tbz2 files in Live USB environment?

Hi Calculaters,

I tried the following.

guest@calculate /run/media/guest/LinuxData/ComputersEtc/Software/OperatingSystems/Linux/DistroResearch/Gentoo/Calculate/var/calculate/packages/x86_64/gnome-extra $ sudo emerge -av --ask-enter-invalid cinnamon-translations-2.6.3.tbz2

*** emerging by path is broken and may not always work!!!

These are the packages that would be merged, in order:

Calculating dependencies 
*** You need to adjust PKGDIR to emerge this package.

... done!

What do I need to do to adjust PKGDIR correctly for this scenario?

I am trying to test the Cinnamon Desktop in the Live USB environment.

I am trying to install from files I saved to the Hard Drive.

Thanks, Michael.

Installation from separate archives (tbz2) It can lead to problems due to lack of the necessary packages. Why do you not want install from binary packages from internet?

Mikhail Hiretsky wrote:

Installation from separate archives (tbz2) It can lead to problems due to lack of the necessary packages. Why do you not want install from binary packages from internet?

I have already downloaded these files from the Internet and as bandwidth is limited, I do not want to download them again.

When I installed cinnamon-2.6.13, I saw that the .tbz2 files were stored in /var/calculate/packages/x86_64/ in their categories. There were 54 packages installed.

For example: /var/calculate/packages/x86_64/gnome-extra/cinnamon-translations-2.6.3.tbz2

So, I saved the contents of /var/calculate/packages/x86_64/ including the Packages text file to my Hard Drive.

I am trying to install them in the same order that was used when I first used emerge to install the cinnamon-2.6.13 package. []{.cinnamon .–ask-enter-invalid .-av .emerge .sudo}

So, how do I reinstall these files?

Thank you, Michael.

Try to execute <<PORTAGE_BINHOST="" emerge -K cinnamon>>. K Tells emerge to only use binary packages (from $PKGDIR). PORTAGE_BINHOST="" will not download new binary packages.