Hello, just dropping in.
On all my Calculate-CLDX systems, ‘cl-kernel’ no longer works.
This applies to all ‘calculate-sources’ kernels. I am now working with 6.6.69-calculate. But portage recommends 6.6.57.
But I can’t upgrade or downgrade. Very annoying.
I have in ‘custom /etc/portage/package.use’ ‘sys-kernel/calculate-sources -grub -minimal -vmlinuz’, which always worked. But now since several weeks(2a3)
Tried today with ‘linux-6.12.10-calculate’.
But always ‘/usr/sbin/cl-kernel: line 580: ebegin: command not found’.
Am I the only one with this problem?
Kernel packages are masked:
$ equery list -op sys-kernel/calculate-sources
* Searching for calculate-sources in sys-kernel ...
[--O] [ ~] sys-kernel/calculate-sources-6.1.126:6.1.126
[I-O] [ ] sys-kernel/calculate-sources-6.6.57:6.6.57
[--O] [ ~] sys-kernel/calculate-sources-6.6.73:6.6.73
[--O] [ ~] sys-kernel/calculate-sources-6.12.10:6.12.10
Read where there is an example:
Installing the latest kernel version
Installing the latest kernel version is justified only if you need some functionality that is not provided by your kernel version, or add support for new hardware. To install the latest version of the Calculate sources, run:
# echo "sys-kernel/calculate-sources" >> /etc/portage/package.keywords/custom
# cl-update