Cannot re-install distros overlay (solved)


I cannot re-install distros overlays.

>layman -a distros
 * Adding overlay,...
 * Running Git... # ( cd /var/lib/layman  && /usr/libexec/calculate/cl-git-wrapper clone git:// /var/lib/layman/distros )
fatal: destination path '/var/lib/layman/distros' already exists and is not an empty directory.
 * Failure result returned from Git
 * Running Git... # ( cd /var/lib/layman/distros  && /usr/libexec/calculate/cl-git-wrapper config "layman" )
 * Error in parameter -s, --sync. Select at least one sync repository
 * Failure result returned from Git
DEBUG: set git user info...failure setting name
 * Adding repository "distros" failed! Possible remains of the operation have NOT been removed and may be left at "/var/lib/layman/distros". Please remove them manually if required.

 * CLI: Errors occurred processing action add
 * Adding repository "distros" failed! Possible remains of the operation have NOT been removed and may be left at "/var/lib/layman/distros". Please remove them manually if required.

I’m doing it from chroot. What’s going wrong?


Remove /var/lib/layman/distros and try again.

I have already done it, but the problem persist. I get the following result :

lt001 / # layman -a distros

 * Adding overlay,...
 * Running Git... # ( cd /var/lib/layman  && /usr/libexec/calculate/cl-git-wrapper clone git:// /var/lib/layman/distros )
Clonage dans '/var/lib/layman/distros'...
remote: Counting objects: 2661, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (2542/2542), done.
remote: Total 2661 (delta 1621), reused 171 (delta 4)
Réception d'objets: 100% (2661/2661), 823.83 KiB | 358.00 KiB/s, done.
Résolution des deltas: 100% (1621/1621), done.
Vérification de la connectivité... fait.
 * Running Git... # ( cd /var/lib/layman/distros  && /usr/libexec/calculate/cl-git-wrapper config "layman" )
 * Erreur de paramètre-s, --sync. Sélectionner au moins un dépôt de synchronisation
 * Failure result returned from Git
DEBUG: set git user info...failure setting name
 * Adding repository "distros" failed! Possible remains of the operation have NOT been removed and may be left at "/var/lib/layman/distros". Please remove them manually if required.

 * CLI: Errors occurred processing action add
 * Adding repository "distros" failed! Possible remains of the operation have NOT been removed and may be left at "/var/lib/layman/distros". Please remove them manually if required.

I get no result with the following commande :

/usr/sbin/cl-core --method core_variables_show --only-value update.cl_update_rep_name

What’s wrong with system configuration?

What version of Calculate utilities are you using?

Last installed was calculate-utilities-3.2.0_beta1-r3.

What does this command display:

cl-update-profile list

I solve it by using cl-update-profile command and providing the distros overlay url as url parameter.