Выдаёт ошибку при добавлении репозитория.
~#layman -a calculate
* Adding overlay,...
* Running Git... # ( cd /var/lib/layman && /usr/libexec/calculate/cl-git-wrapper clone git://git.calculate.ru/calculate/overlay.git /var/lib/layman/calculate )
Cloning into '/var/lib/layman/calculate'...
remote: Counting objects: 102496, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (34375/34375), done.
remote: Total 102496 (delta 70295), reused 96676 (delta 66315)
Receiving objects: 100% (102496/102496), 18.61 MiB | 1.56 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (70295/70295), done.
Checking connectivity... done.
* Running Git... # ( cd /var/lib/layman/calculate && /usr/libexec/calculate/cl-git-wrapper config user.name "layman" )
* Ошибка в параметре -s, --sync. Выберите хотя бы один репозиторий для синхронизации
* Failure result returned from Git
DEBUG: set git user info...failure setting name
* Adding repository "calculate" failed! Possible remains of the operation have NOT been removed and may be left at "/var/lib/layman/calculate". Please remove them manually if required.
* CLI: Errors occurred processing action add
* Adding repository "calculate" failed! Possible remains of the operation have NOT been removed and may be left at "/var/lib/layman/calculate". Please remove them manually if required.
В чём может быть проблема?