I just wanted to share that I started a Calculate 7.1 Series on my new vidme and youtube channel, hoping to get more people to try Calculate Linux as their main driver.
In return, I would need some subscribers at vidme to get some more privileges to use categories etc.
Same for youtube.
Let me know what you thinnk and what you would want me to do better
Hi Dirk,
Great video! On the Telegram channel, we collect all the videos about Calculate Linux including yours If you are interested, register in this wonderful messenger. A guide to all CL resources in Telegram http://t.me/calculate_linux
Sounds, great. I am very busy till Monday, after this busy period I will get to this and join the channel.
It is my time to give back to the community
P.S. I will try to make some short videos in the busy time, just to keep the momentum and often it helps people or better saying new comer to Calculate. If it helps only 1 person, then it was already worth doing.
Videos in German can be very useful. Especially since the CL supports German localization “out of the box”. We’ll add a new playlist on the CL channel https://www.youtube.com/calculatelinux
Given that there are no videos in German, any material will be useful.
loving these videos, been binge watching these half the day very informative and helpful learned a couple things too thanks a lot Dirk, i appreciate the work and time you are putting into making these videos for us users and hopefully future users