Calculate Linux Desktop 18 LXQt released

Released on November 29, 2018


We are happy to announce the release of a new Calculate Linux Desktop flavour, featuring the LXQt desktop and therefore named CLDL. As well as other Calculates, it is backward compatible with Gentoo. As well as Gentoo, it uses Portage to install and manage packages. Our repository contains 13033 binary packages. The system boots with OpenRC. For network configuration, you have the choice between NetworkManager or OpenRC. For sound management, ALSA is suggested, PulseAudio is not needed.

CLDL is the fifth little one in the Calculate Linux Desktop family, providing a full-fledged workplace both in office and at home. This new distribution perfectly combines the advantages of Qt5, which is indeed the base for its interface, with the low system requirements of the Openbox window manager. CLDL is localized out-of-box in all standard European languages.

CLDL offers the same sleek design as the other Calculate Linux desktops, which means that you will immediately feel familiar with it. Note that in Firefox, an ad blocker is turned on by default while telemetry is disabled. CLDL implements single user authorization for Calculate Direcrory Server, roaming user profiles and sharing access privileges to network devices with Windows clients.

Calculate Linux Desktop LXQt comes with LXQt 0.13, PCManFM-Qt 0.13 for file management, Firefox 63.0.3 as the Internet browser, LibreOffice as the office suite, Gimp 2.10.4 for graphics editing, Claws Mail 3.17.1 as the email client, SMPlayer 18.9 as the video player, Clementine 1.3.1 as the music player, and the Gajim 0.16.9 messenger. The latest version of Calculate Utilities is always supplied by the team, currently, which include the system installer, an update tool and the ISO customization toolkit.

CLDL is available for the two most common architectures, i686 (1.9 GB) and x86_64 (2.2 GB). To try this new flavour, simply boot from the Live ISO image. To do this, you can either burn a USB flash drive or use Grub. If you already have a Calculate Linux on your computer, simply run cl-setup-boot-live.









