Released on May 20, 2016
We are happy to announce the release of Calculate Linux 15.17.
Calculate Linux Desktop, featuring either the KDE (CLD), the MATE (CLDM) or the Xfce (CLDX) environment, Calculate Linux Scratch (CLS), Calculate Directory Server (CDS), Calculate Scratch Server (CSS), Calculate Media Center (CMC) are all available for download.
Main changes
- Calculate Linux Desktop was updated to KDE 5.
- Testing and stable updates now coming separately and labelled as such.
- Multiple instances, built with different USE flags, are available in a special repository (binpkg-multi-instance).
- The main Git mirror migrated to Github.
- Faster XZ compression on multi-core processors.
- The XZ algorithm will be used from now on for initramfs, the kernel and its modules.
- File moving and renaming issues fixed for OverlayFS.
- Defaulting to Python 3.4.
- More efficient mirror selection for updates.
- Mirrors were rearranged.
рис. 1. Calculate Linux Desktop KDE
рис. 2. System update
# CLD (KDE desktop):
**** KDE Frameworks 5.22, KDE Plasma 5.6.4, KDE Applications 16.04.1, LibreOffice, QupZilla 2.0.0, Gimp 2.8.16, Amarok 2.8.0
**** i686 - 2.4 G, x86_64 - 2.6 G
# CLDM (MATE desktop):
**** MATE 1.14, LibreOffice, QupZilla 2.0.0, Claws Mail 3.13.2, Gimp 2.8.16, Clementine 1.3.1
**** i686 - 1.7 G, x86_64 - 1.9 G
# CLDX (Xfce desktop):
**** Xfce 4.12, LibreOffice, QupZilla 2.0.0, Claws Mail 3.13.2, Gimp 2.8.16, Clementine 1.3.1
**** i686 - 1.6 G, x86_64 - 1.8 G
# CDS (Directory Server):
**** OpenLDAP 2.4.38, Samba 4.2.11, Postfix 3.0.3, ProFTPD 1.3.5b, Bind 9.10.3
**** i686 - 646 M, x86_64 - 665 M
# CLS (Linux Scratch):
**** Xorg-server 1.17.4, Kernel 4.4.9
**** i686 - 753 M, x86_64 - 844 M
# CSS (Scratch Server):
**** Kernel 4.4.9, Calculate Utilities
**** i686 - 448 M, x86_64 - 471 M
# CMC (Media Center):
**** Kodi 16.0, Xorg-server 1.17.4
**** i686 - 1.1 G, x86_64 - 1.2 G
Update from Calculate Linux 14
To update from CL 15, either:
- execute
or - put the new iso file in
, then runcl-install