Released on March 04, 2014
We are happy to announce the release of Calculate Linux 13.11.1.
Calculate Linux Desktop, featuring either the KDE (CLD) or the XFCE (CLDX) environment, Calculate Directory Server (CDS), Calculate Media Center (CMC), Calculate Linux Scratch (CLS), Calculate Scratch Server (CSS) are all available for download.
Major changes
- Big updates (kernel 3.12, KDE 4.12.2, LibreOffice 4.1, Chromium 33).
- In CLDX, session lock will be performed with light-locker.
- Clt templates now run correctly, as we fixed the file binding problem.
- A new DM theme is available in CLDX.
- Users’ avatars are now supported at log in time.
- can receive colored console output via wgetpaste.
- The tmux tool was added to all CL distributions.
Kernel and Software
CDS (Directory Server):
- Bind 9.9.4, Kernel 3.12, OpenLDAP 2.4.35, Postfix 2.10.1, ProFTPD 1.3.4d, Samba 3.6.22
- i686 - 656 M, x86_64 - 681 M
CLD (KDE desktop):
- KDE 4.12.2, Amarok 2.8.0, digiKam 3.5, Chromium 33, Kernel 3.12, LibreOffice 4.1
- i686 - 2.1 G, x86_64 - 2.3 G
CLDX (XFCE desktop):
- XFCE 4.10, Gimp 2.8.6, Chromium 33, Kernel 3.12, LibreOffice 4.1
- i686 - 1.5 G, x86_64 - 1.7 G
CMC (Media Center):
- XBMC 12.2, Kernel 3.12, Xorg-server 1.14.3
- i686 - 911 M, x86_64 - 1.1 G
CLS (Linux Scratch):
- Openbox 3.5.0, Kernel 3.12, Xorg-server 1.14.3
- i686 - 681 M, x86_64 - 703 M
CSS (Scratch Server):
- Kernel 3.12
- i686 - 425 M, x86_64 - 449 M
- Download Calculate Linux:
- Update How-To: