release date: Oct 1, 2011
Calculate Linux 11.9 has been released. All of our distributions are available for download: Calculate Directory Server (CDS), Calculate Linux Desktop with KDE (CLD), GNOME (CLDG) or XFCE (CLDX), Calculate Media Center (CMC), Calculate Linux Scratch (CLS) and Calculate Scratch Server (CSS).
Main changes
- Calculate Linux now has a new flavor: meet Calculate Media Center!
- Local user profiles will be updated in a new way: changes will be made only when programs are installed. Thanks to it, login has become faster, and setup of user profiles, as well as of the root user is now available in Calculate Linux Scratch.
- Instead of kdm/gdm, using your own startup script graphical session.
- Installation on a soft Raid partition supported.
- Installation on a LVM partition supported, including if it runs on a soft Raid.
- Support added for btrfs and nilfs2, and we’ve fixed the problem with installing on Jfs.
- ext4 comes as the default filesystem at install.
- Single-user installation mode added, to allow login without entering the password. Comes by default in Calculate Media Center.
- Templates added, which will create icons of the main programs - so that they do not disappear from the bottom panel during update when icon files are renamed.
- AdBlock+ plugin added for the Chromium browser.
Software Versions
CDS (Directory Server):
Bind 9.7.3-P3, Kernel 3.0.4, OpenLDAP 2.4.24, Postfix 2.8.4, ProFTPD 1.3.3e, Samba 3.5.11
i686 - 622 MB, x86_64 - 655 MB -
CLD (KDE desktop):
KDE 4.7.1, Amarok 2.4.3, digiKam 2.1.0, Chromium 14.0.835.163, Kernel 3.0.4, LibreOffice 3.3.4
i686 - 1.76 GB, x86_64 - 1.95 GB -
CLDG (GNOME desktop):
Gnome 2.32, Gimp 2.6.11, Chromium 14.0.835.163, Kernel 3.0.4, LibreOffice 3.3.4
i686 - 1.41 GB, x86_64 - 1.59 GB -
CLDX (XFCE desktop):
XFCE 4.8, Gimp 2.6.11, Kernel 3.0.4, Chromium 14.0.835.163, LibreOffice 3.3.4
i686 - 1.29 GB, x86_64 - 1.47 GB -
CLS (Linux Scratch):
Openbox, Kernel 3.0.4, X.Org 7.4
i686 - 583 MB, x86_64 - 620 MB -
CSS (Scratch Server):
Kernel 3.0.4
i686 - 391 MB, x86_64 - 425 MB
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