Best RAD python

What is the best RAD python for you?

Why nobody replies?


I don’t use it.


XKomodor | Julien

Ok thanks for reply

I am a python programmer myself.
My Calculate as well as my other installs have python, java & C** IDEs installed.
Anyhow when programming in python I will use Ninja-IDE or Spyder or Eric IDEs…
I had a bit of an issue early on compiling/ emerging my Eric IDE but all worked out see below…
Try all and go with what suits your style.

Regarding BoaConstructor: I had tried it many years in the past but seems that the project is developing slowly or not at all. I like to use PyQt or Pyside. This allows the IDEs to utilize the Qt widget set. QT is progressive and in constant current development. Also look at some Python/QT tutorials and you will see that it is very easy to use. You can also use the QTdesigner and then convert the code to python with the python tool pyuic…
A quick RAD dev method.
Good Luck with your python programming!