Unable to write to second internal HDD


I am new to Calculate and using Gentoo Linux and installed without problems the XFCE desktop. I have made a user for myself ‘dave’.

I have a second internal HDD for storing my data, thunar permissions shows it owned by ‘guest’ although I have changed it to both ‘users’ and ‘dave’ with rw access (via sudo thunar in terminal) it does not change the owner and I cannot write to it.

Any suggestions would be most helpful.

You may have changed permissions on another system. In this case, the same user may have different ID. Access rights must be changed using CL. Mount the disk and change the permissions.

Hi Lautre,

Many thanks for your reply, unfortunately whilst attempting to change ownership I destroyed my Calculate setup and will need to reinstall as soon as I have time. I had an Arch Linux setup on a spare SSD so am able to continue learning Gentoo ( I will learn by my mistakes), am wondering if somehow there was a conflict as I am able to rw to my Data HDD as normal with Arch.

Thanks again for answering.

You can work with user data from two different systems if you change the user ID so that it is the same.