Делаю как указано здесь
И получаю:
emerge -av kde-misc/plasma-widget-menubar
These are the packages that would be merged, in order:
Calculating dependencies... done!
[ebuild U #] dev-libs/glib-2.30.1-r2 [2.28.8] USE="static-libs -debug -doc -fam (-selinux) -systemtap% -test -utils% -xattr (-introspection%)" 6,061 kB [0]
[ebuild N ] app-text/scrollkeeper-dtd-1.0 11 kB [0]
[ebuild U #] dev-libs/atk-2.2.0 [1.32.0-r1] USE="introspection nls -doc" 587 kB [0]
[ebuild N #] dev-libs/json-glib-0.13.4 USE="-debug -doc -introspection" 428 kB [0]
[ebuild N ~] dev-util/dbus-test-runner-0.0.3 322 kB [0]
[ebuild NS #] app-text/docbook-xml-dtd-4.4-r2 [4.1.2-r6, 4.2-r2] 94 kB [0]
[ebuild R #] x11-base/xorg-server-1.10.4-r1 USE="ipv6 nptl udev xorg xvfb* -dmx -doc -kdrive -minimal -static-libs -tslib -xnest" 5,260 kB [0]
[ebuild N ] app-text/gnome-doc-utils-0.20.6 700 kB [0]
[ebuild U #] dev-libs/libdbusmenu-qt-0.9.0 [0.8.2] USE="-debug -doc -test" 37 kB [0=>1]
[ebuild U #] x11-libs/pango-1.29.4 [1.28.4] USE="X introspection -debug -doc -test" 1,129 kB [0]
[ebuild R #] x11-libs/qt-gui-4.7.4 USE="accessibility appmenu%* cups dbus exceptions glib mng nas private-headers qt3support tiff xinerama (-aqua) -debug -egl -gtkstyle -nis -pch -raster -trace" 214,283 kB [0=>1]
[ebuild N ~] x11-misc/appmenu-qt-0.2.4 21 kB [1]
[ebuild NS #] x11-libs/gtk+-3.2.1 [2.24.5-r1] USE="appmenu cups introspection xinerama (-aqua) -colord -debug -doc -examples -overlay -packagekit -test -vim-syntax" 12,368 kB [1]
[ebuild N ~] dev-libs/libdbusmenu-0.5.1-r1 USE="gtk test -gtk3 -introspection -vala" 685 kB [1]
[ebuild N ~] x11-misc/appmenu-gtk-0.3.0 USE="gtk2 -gtk3" 318 kB [1]
[ebuild N ~] kde-misc/plasma-widget-menubar-0.1.16 USE="gtk qt4 (-aqua) -debug (-kdeenablefinal) -test" 25 kB [1]
Total: 16 packages (4 upgrades, 8 new, 2 in new slots, 2 reinstalls), Size of downloads: 242,322 kB
Portage tree and overlays:
[0] /usr/portage
[1] /var/lib/layman/stuff
!!! Multiple package instances within a single package slot have been pulled
!!! into the dependency graph, resulting in a slot conflict:
(dev-libs/glib-2.30.1-r2::gentoo, ebuild scheduled for merge) pulled in by
>=dev-libs/glib-2.29.14 required by (x11-libs/gtk+-3.2.1::stuff, ebuild scheduled for merge)
(and 1 more with the same problem)
(dev-libs/glib-2.28.8::gentoo, installed) pulled in by
(no parents that aren't satisfied by other packages in this slot)
(x11-libs/qt-gui-4.7.4::gentoo, installed) pulled in by
(no parents that aren't satisfied by other packages in this slot)
(x11-libs/qt-gui-4.7.4::stuff, ebuild scheduled for merge) pulled in by
<x11-libs/qt-gui-4.8[appmenu] required by (x11-misc/appmenu-qt-0.2.4::stuff, ebuild scheduled for merge)
It may be possible to solve this problem by using package.mask to
prevent one of those packages from being selected. However, it is also
possible that conflicting dependencies exist such that they are
impossible to satisfy simultaneously. If such a conflict exists in
the dependencies of two different packages, then those packages can
not be installed simultaneously. You may want to try a larger value of
the --backtrack option, such as --backtrack=30, in order to see if
that will solve this conflict automatically.
For more information, see MASKED PACKAGES section in the emerge man
page or refer to the Gentoo Handbook.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/bin/emerge", line 43, in <module>
retval = emerge_main()
File "/usr/lib64/portage/pym/_emerge/main.py", line 2015, in emerge_main
myopts, myaction, myfiles, spinner)
File "/usr/lib64/portage/pym/_emerge/actions.py", line 306, in action_build
File "/usr/lib64/portage/pym/_emerge/depgraph.py", line 6193, in display_problems
File "/usr/lib64/portage/pym/_emerge/depgraph.py", line 6221, in _display_problems
File "/usr/lib64/portage/pym/_emerge/depgraph.py", line 5872, in _display_autounmask
File "/usr/lib64/portage/pym/_emerge/depgraph.py", line 2905, in _get_dep_chain_as_comment
dep_chain = self._get_dep_chain(pkg, unsatisfied_dependency=unsatisfied_dependency)
File "/usr/lib64/portage/pym/_emerge/depgraph.py", line 2820, in _get_dep_chain
for priority in self._dynamic_config.digraph.nodes[node][0][child]:
KeyError: <_emerge.Package.Package object at 0x64ae170>
Что делаю не так?