for translation… do you know ‘Deepl’ free website?
Furthermore, you could try downloading a previous version of Calculate-CLD or a version of XFCE4 and see if these do start.
Start XFCE4 and leave it on auto it will use a different driver. Nvidia doesn’t work out of the box. For that, you need to create a new kernel with ‘cl-kernel’ first, then install nvidia drivers.
Only then will it work perfectly 
not as simple as with Linux Mint
PS ventoy is also a very good program to copy ISO to a usb stick.exists for Linux and Windows.
Translated with DeepL.com (free version)
@birdy_356 thanks for your kind concern but something is wrong there, I have been installing CLD in the past (2018) and never got problem like the one Am experiencing at present time; something is wrong in the “Live”, I have been using December 2024 and February 2025; Am not interested to try XFCE, I don’t like it.
I don’t know “Deepl” free website I will go looking for it, thanks.
Best Regards
Dear All, I give up installing CLD because there is something that does not work in the “Live”. I have tried several times and I have not achieved anything, you can see some data in the attached images. The problem occurs only with CLD, I installed Siduction (Debian SID) without difficulty and, listen! listen! I also installed a “cousin” of CLD and also in this case the procedure was quick and perfect (Redcore - Linux, Gentoo based). I would like it if “the father” of CLD saw this note of mine, maybe he could understand where the problem is. I thank once again the people who helped me.
Best Regards
Cari tutti, rinuncio ad installare CLD perché c’è qualcosa che non funziona nella “Live”. Ho provato più volte e non ho ottenuto nulla, potete vedere alcuni dati nelle immagini allegate. Il problema si verifica solo con CLD, ho installato Siduction (Debian SID) senza difficoltà e, udite udite! Ho installato anche un “cugino” di CLD e anche in questo caso la procedura è stata rapida e perfetta (Redcore - Linux, Gentoo based). Vorrei che “il padre” di CLD vedesse questa mia nota, magari potrebbe capire dove sta il problema. Ringrazio ancora una volta le persone che mi hanno aiutato.
Cordiali saluti
Дорогие все, я отказываюсь от установки CLD, потому что в “Live” что-то не работает. Я пробовал несколько раз, но ничего не вышло, вы можете увидеть некоторые данные на прикрепленных изображениях. Проблема возникает только с CLD, я установил Siduction (Debian SID) без проблем и, послушайте! Я также установил “двоюродного брата” CLD, и в этом случае процедура также была быстрой и идеальной (Redcore - Linux, основанный на Gentoo). Я хотел бы, чтобы “отец” CLD увидел эту мою заметку, может быть, он сможет понять, в чем проблема. Я еще раз благодарю людей, которые мне помогли.
С наилучшими пожеланиями
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