install virtualbox problem : Failed, trying without DKMS

kuraush VirtualBox-4.1.4-74291-Linux_x86 # sh 
Verifying archive integrity... All good.
Uncompressing VirtualBox for Linux installation...........
VirtualBox Version 4.1.4 r74291 (2011-10-03T14:55:25Z) installer
Removing previous installation of VirtualBox 4.1.4 r74291 from /opt/VirtualBox
Installing VirtualBox to /opt/VirtualBox
Python found: python, installing bindings...
Building the VirtualBox kernel modules
 * Failed, trying without DKMS
VirtualBox has been installed successfully.

You will find useful information about using VirtualBox in the user manual
and in the user FAQ

We hope that you enjoy using VirtualBox.

install the package:

emerge -a app-emulation/virtualbox-bin

add yourself to vboxusers group:

gpasswd -a kuraush vboxusers

if you were not in the group need to reconnect to the session

load module:

modprobe vboxdrv


Menu -> System -> Oracle xVM VirtualBox


thanks Alexander Tratsevskiy.solve problem